iDriving – (Intelligent & Digital Roadway Infrastructure for Vehicles Integrated with Next-Gen Technologies) aims to deliver a TRL 6 prototype based on seven key pillars, all designed to work synergistically to create an interactive, accurate and efficient solution to improve infrastructure safety of urban and secondary rural roads.
The metaCCAZE (Flexibly adapted metaInnovations, use Cases, Collaborative business and governance models to Accelerate deployment of smart and shared Zero Emission mobility for passengers and freight) project builds on the expertise of 44 partners from 12 European countries, paving the way for an electric, automated and connected urban mobility transition.
DELPHI (FeDerated nEtwork of pLatforms for Passenger and freigHt Intermodality) brings together a complementary consortium of 16 partners (+1 associated partner and 1 affiliated entity), from 8 EU and associated countries with the view to address the growing challenges of passenger and freight mobility.
ACUMEN (AI-Aided Decision Tool for Seamless Multimodal Network and Traffic Management) brings together a consortium of 16 partners (+1 associated partner), from 9 EU and associated countries aiming to propose a generic, privacy-preserving, data-driven, modular digital paradigm for advanced network management.